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Looseness Monitor DTM20-A4


The DTM20-A4 is designed for monitoring reciprocating compressors & engines. It is a multiple parameter monitor with both impact monitoring and acceleration monitoring. Alarm can be the combination of these two parameters. You can conveniently decide the alarm level of each of the monitored parameters and setup accordingly. In addition to analog transmission, the monitor also supplies a digital output, dual alarms, and a condition monitoring. Thus greatly enhanced the analysis and monitoring capabilities of the system. The looseness  monitor  conforms  to  ISO10816-6.


Product Detail

Looseness Monitor Unique Features

Precision Looseness Monitor

Programmable impact trigger level and time base. Impact  is set in acceleration (g's) with DTM-Config software.

Highly repeatable with quantitative measurement

Multiple parameters monitoring

Not only monitoring looseness impact but also overall acceleration

Both parameters can be monitored and alarmed

Multiple outputs

Analog transmission via dual 4-20mA

Digital Modbus RTU output

Dual programmable alarms

Waveform and spectrum (with software)

More accurate impact response

Industrial, light weight accelerometer (100mv/g -pk

constant current) makes the measurement more responsive to high frequency and repeatable

Live waveform helps trigger level setting

Within the configuration process, the live waveform can be analyzed to decide the looseness trigger level thus minimize the "estimated" uncertainty

Designed with reliability

Redundant power supplies

Redundant 4-20mA outputs

Dual dry-contact relay outputs

Trip multiply and Bypass

Galvanic/optical isolation for solid signal processing

Power input isolation

Sensor signal conditioning isolation

Transmission 4-20mA output isolation

Relay output isolation

Digital output isolation with DTM96

Fully field programmable by CFG software

DTM20-CFG can easily change any configuration of the monitor.

Calibration of the system is available with CFG software


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